Based on that point alone I preffer using Trebuchet MS, it comes free with the MS office, although the default font seem to be Calibri - it's set as the default for example in MS OneNote. Explore HWT Roman Extended designed by Jim Lyles, Miranda Roth, William Hamilton Page at Adobe Fonts. The fonts also feature discretionary ligatures, fractions, superiors, inferiors, denominators and additional small capital-height punctuation. But if you don’t have the budget to purchase this font you can go for Work Sans.
Fonts Used Freight Big, Brandon Grotesque Typewolf 1) Apercu 2) Futura 3) GT America 4) Founders Grotesk 5) Canela 6) Proxima Nova 7) Neue Haas Grotesk 8) Graphik 9) Avenir 10) GT Walsheim 11) Circular 12) Brandon Grotesque 13) Maison Neue 14) Ogg 15) Gotham View More → Logo for Online Marketing Consultancy Agency Online.